
A truck was blown up on a land mine in the ATO area: one Ukrainian soldier died, the other one was captured – PA 02/29/2016 17:44:35. Total views 1094. Views today — 0.

One Ukrainian soldier died and another one was captured by militants as a result of the truck undermining on a land mine in Bakhmut district, Donetsk region. This was announced by the speaker of the Presidential Administration on the ATO Andrey Lysenko at the briefing today, - reports the correspondent of OstroV.

"On February 25th two soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, stumbled on a landmine when driving a truck in the direction of the front line. The blast destroyed the truck completely, one soldier died and another one and the body of the deceased were captured by illegal armed groups," - he said.

"The Ukrainian government and military commanders are putting all efforts to return them," - said A. Lysenko.