
Leader of "DNR" decides to completely close movement across demarcation line from CADO from March 21 03/19/2020 16:05:16. Total views 802. Views today — 1.

The passage of people through the control points on the demarcation line, controlled by the "DNR" militants, from part of the Donetsk oblast controlled by the Ukrainian authorities will be completely suspended from March 21 to prevent the spread of coronavirus in CADO. This was stated today by the "DNR" leader Denis Pushilin, - separatist media report.

By order of Pushilin, the movement of citizens through checkpoints on the line of demarcation of CADO and Ukrainian-controlled part of the Donetsk oblast will be completely stopped on March 21, 2020 from 00:00.

At the same time, Pushilin warned that the residents of CADO in the Ukraine-controlled territory still have time to return home. The returnees will be under the supervision of doctors.

"There is every reason to believe that the situation with the incidence of coronavirus in Ukraine will be aggravated, including in connection with the massive return of Ukrainian citizens from Italy, Spain, Poland and other European countries, where thousands of infected people have already been recorded", - the "DNR" leader explained his decision.