
"Do not do this!" Patriots of Donbass make appeal to Zelensky 03/20/2020 13:43:13. Total views 837. Views today — 0.

Patriots of Donbass have addressed President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

The appeal, text of which was published by ZN.UA, reads:

"The recent events related to the signing of a document of intent to create an Advisory Council and include representatives of CADLO in the negotiation process in Minsk within the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) drew a great resonance of Ukrainian society.

The legitimization of voices of the militants (even within the framework of including in the negotiations the Donbass-born, who left for the free territory of Ukraine as a result of the war), which head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak stated about at his briefing, was not accepted by the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens.

A document on the establishment of the Advisory Council can be signed by authorized representatives of the Ukrainian authorities in Minsk on March 25. Thus, Russia will be phased out of the negotiation process, receiving the status of an outside observer, and not an aggressor state. Which is unacceptable.

Of course, people who were forced to leave their native land after the outbreak of war have a special right to judge the Ukrainian government and warn it against fatal errors in resolving issues of war and peace. The "Donetsk" and "Luhansk" ones.

Many of them lost their loved ones and homes, got through captivity, torture and humiliation. They are rebuilding their lives today. As displaced persons. As people who feel the pain of their country more acutely than most of us".

Patriots of Donbass decided to declare their position publicly and recorded a video message to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. Among them:

Stanislav Aseyev – journalist released from the "DNR" captivity for exchange in 2019;

Serhiy Harmash – journalist, editor-in-chief of the OstroV website;

Iryna Dovhan – volunteer from Yasynuvata, who was tied to a pole on the Donetsk Square in 2014, wrapped in a Ukrainian flag with the inscription "She kills our children";

Deny Kazansky – well-known Donetsk blogger and journalist;

Volodymyrr Zhemchuhov – participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war, hero of Ukraine, released from the "LNR" captivity for exchange in 2016;

Ihor Kozlovsky – scientist released from the "DNR" captivity for exchange in 2017, member of the initiative group "On the 1st of December".

The purpose of message of these concerned people to the President is one - to warn against a careless step that may cost Ukraine independence.