
DMP dies. Three districts may remain without heating in Donetsk 10/07/2020 16:03:25. Total views 1354. Views today — 1.

Mass layoffs at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant pose a risk of disruption to the supply of heat to residents of the Leninskyi, Voroshylovskyi and Budonivskyi districts of the regional center. Chairman of the DMP trade union committee Nikolay Shpundra reported this in his address to the "DNR" leader D.Pushilin.

The letter says that workers of the DMP have not received wages for more than 4 months and no real measures have been taken to pay them off. Appeals of the labor collective to the self-proclaimed authorities remain unanswered and unresponsive. The people are in dire straits and have to quit.

According to N.Shpundra, an average of 34 people resigned per month in the first half of the year, in July-August - 120 people each, 154 people quit in September.

"It is especially bitter to realize this in relation to one of the oldest enterprises in the republic, which laid the foundation for the city of Donetsk", - the address notes.

"Of particular concern is the dismissal of personnel of the energy shops, which not only ensure the safe life of the enterprise, but also supply heat to residential buildings in three districts of Donetsk", - Shpundra emphasizes.

The chairman of the trade union committee notes that "the personnel of the energy shops is highly qualified workers with extensive professional experience with especially dangerous jobs and there is practically no one to replace them".

The address also says that the plant was brought to such a situation "by the management company CJSC Vneshtorgservis, managed by former Ukrainian oligarch S.Kurchenko.