
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 10/27/2020 12:00:00. Total views 734. Views today — 1.

Situation in the area of the Joint Forces Operation on October 26 remained under the control of Ukrainian soldiers. One violation of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation has been recorded since the beginning of the day: the enemy fired several bursts from small arms not far from Marinka. There are no combat losses or injuries among the Ukrainian defenders as a result of the enemy provocative fire.

5943 cases of COVID-19, 448 of which - fatal, were registered in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast as of October 26, - the fake "DNR Ministry of Health" reported. Thus, the death rate among patients with coronavirus infection was 7.52%. The occupiers do not report daily statistics due to the fact that research on COVID-19 was not carried out: the laboratory was being disinfected. However, they wrote that 163 cases of pneumonia were detected over the day, which are 6 cases less than in the previous day. Of these, 40 patients were hospitalized. In total, 2227 patients with pneumonia are undergoing treatment, of which 448 are on oxygen support (+29 over the day).

Mobile medical units are preparing to be deployed in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast due to the worsening situation with the spread of COVID-19. The "DNR" leader Denis Pushilin gave such a task to the so-called "DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations". "…As part of the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection on the territory of the "republic", the units of the "DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations" have planned a full-scale training session on the deployment of a mobile hospital for hospitalization of the population infected with infectious diseases, in particular, coronavirus infection, from October 28 to 29", - Alexey Kostrubitskiy, who calls himself "the head of the Ministry of Emergencies", stated.

There is a possibility of resuming full-time education in schools of the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast after the holidays. This was stated by Mikhail Kushakov, who calls himself "the head of the DNR Ministry of Education". "It was decided to extend the autumn holidays in the general education organizations of the DNR for one more week, the second quarter will begin on November 2. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Health, the epidemiological situation should change for the better next week, and we hope that education in schools will begin in full-time mode", - Kushakov said. According to him, "universities, technical schools and colleges will continue to be on distance learning until further notice".

After switching to winter time, the smartphones of residents of the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast synchronized their clocks with the time of free Ukraine. This was written in social networks. "The same situation is every year. What needs to be pressed so that the clock is not automatically shifted", "I came to work an hour later today for the first time in my life", - some Donetsk residents wrote. "It turns out that even the phone is smarter than the Donetsk people! It knows that the dnr is Ukraine, and not Russia", "because even the federation says that the DNR is Ukraine, you were sold there too", "Ukrainian agents", "nothing to do, because geolocation does not come from Moskow", - other citizens answered. Let us recall that the occupation "authorities" "transferred" these territories to Moscow time, and the Russian Federation does not practice clock adjusting.

Workers of a metallurgical plant in occupied Yenakiieve held a peaceful rally demanding payment of wage arrears. This was reported by the Information Navigator on Facebook. "Director of the Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works came to the protesters and fed promises again to resolve the situation at a meeting with the leadership of the quasi-republic, which will be held from November 3 to 6", - the message said. It was also noted that recently, the workers of the neighboring Makiivka metallurgical plant were paid 10% of their salaries for July. Also, the Vneshtorgservis management company gave 15% of payments to coke chemists, the Komsomolsk Mina Management and the Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant. The rest of the enterprises controlled by the occupiers are awaiting payment of debts from the end of June.