
Avakov: Italian court releases Ukrainian Vitalii Markiv (updated) 11/04/2020 13:34:01. Total views 944. Views today — 0.

In Italy, the Court of Appeal has decided in the case of Ukrainian National Guardsman Vitalii Markiv to acquit him and release from custody. Head of the MIA of Ukraine Arsen Avakov reported this on his Facebook.

"Markiv has been released! The court of appeal has just made a decision!", - the minister reported.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Herashchenko reported on his Facebook: "We all went to this during three years, four months and four days! Ukraine won! President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, the MIA Minister Arsen Avakov, Lyudmyla Denisova, lawyers, volunteers, journalists, all Ukrainians in Ukraine, in Italy and around the world, who helped fight for justice in relation to the defender of Ukraine - great honor and gratitude to you! Vitalii Markiv is free and returns to Ukraine!"

As reported, the Italian court had sentenced Vitalii Markiv to 24 years in prison in 2019. He was accused of the deaths of Italian photojournalist Andrea Rocchelli, as well as of Russian translator Andrey Mironov. They died in shelling near Sloviansk in 2014. Ukraine insisted that the journalist and his translator had died as a result of shelling by Russian occupiers.