
"DNR" occupies offended that they were refused to convene extraordinary meeting of TCG 04/19/2021 13:19:02. Total views 846. Views today — 2.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" are outraged that the Ukrainian side does not recognize their right to convene an extraordinary meeting of the TCG security subgroup. This follows from the statement of the so-called press service of the illegitimate "DNR delegation" in the Trilateral Contact Group.

As previously reported, occupation authorities of CADO stated on April 16 that they "initiated an emergency meeting of the security subgroup" after the civilian's death. In turn, speaker of the Ukrainian delegation to the contact group Oleksiy Arestovych recalled that representatives of the uncontrolled part of the Donetsk oblast are not a party to the negotiations, therefore they do not have the authority to convene extraordinary meetings.

The "DNR" functionaries stubbornly refuse to admit that it is they who are not a party to the negotiations, aptly noting that "each of the participants in the negotiations has equal rights and obligations in their conduct". They manipulatively refer to the Trilateral Contact Group simply as the Contact Group in an attempt to legitimize their participation in it.

At the same time, the participants of the TCG and, therefore, the only participants in the negotiations, are Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE.