
Batkishchyna suddenly demanded 18 laws that are contraty the agreement with the IMF for joining the coalition 03/29/2016 18:38:21. Total views 1124. Views today — 1.

Batkivshchyna faction said that the condition for its entry into a new coalition was adoption of 18 laws that are contrary to the spirit of cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF. Deputy from Petro Poroshenko Bloc Sergey Leshchenko told journalists about that after the faction meeting, - reports the correspondent of OstroV.

"Tymoshenko demands to include 18 laws in the coalition agreement. These laws are mostly contrary to the programme of the IMF and international commitments," - said the deputy.

He noted that PPB faction hadn’t made a decision whether to support these demands or not.

Bloc leader Yuriy Lutsenko said that yesterday Yulia Tymoshenko had promised to enter the coalition "without any conditions and 18 laws". But today the Batkivshshyna leader "demanded these conditions".