
The average monthly income of a forced migrant is just over 46.79 USD 04/15/2016 17:06:16. Total views 1432. Views today — 1.

The average monthly family income of internally-displaced persons is 1287.6 46.79 USD. This is evidenced by results of a survey of living conditions of internally displaced persons conducted by the International Organization for Migration in cooperation with the Ukrainian Center for Social Reforms.

According to the first round of the survey (March 2016), the overall level of welfare of the majority of forced migrants is low.

The average income of 65% of the surveyed IDPs amounts to 51.86 USD per one family member, 27% live for 51.86 - 97.47 USD. About 47% of IDPs are forced to save even on food; 33% can only meet the immediate nutritional needs and need to save on other things: the purchase of necessary clothing, footwear, etc.

The most important source of IDPs’ income is social assistance and payments to forced migrants. Salaries and pensions are also an important source of income in household.

Humanitarian aid is an important means of existence for a third of respondents. Odd jobs and families’ support are the main source of income for 14% and 13% respectively.