
The situation in Donbass acquires features typical of the "frozen conflicts" – OSCE 05/17/2016 11:20:39. Total views 1333. Views today — 1.

The situation in the east of Ukraine starts acquiring features typical of the "frozen conflicts". OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said that at the UN headquarters, - reports 112.ua with the reference to Russian TASS news agency.

Zannier highlighted the emergence of "official" institutions in the self-proclaimed "republics" in the east of Ukraine. "We see local police in its uniform with its marks of distinction - we see the same in other areas of frozen conflicts such as Transnistria." The Secretary General stressed that "the progressive development of local structures" made political cooperation difficult.

At the same time, the OSCE Secretary General stated that the armed conflict continued. He said that the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission was putting an extra effort in order to monitor the situation, firstly, on the contact line. "We have opened additional viewpoints, we also want to strengthen our presence in districts controlled by separatists, but we face opposition there," - said Zannier.

He also announced the intention to increase the number of observers in Ukraine by a hundred to eight hundred people.
